The Maxmind settings are pretty straight forward. You’ll need the following for this to work

  • Maxmind User ID
    Not your login, this is the account id associated with your Maxmind account. This should be all numerical
  • Maxmind License Key
    This was given to you when you signed up for a license, and cannot be retrieved. You can, however, always create a new license if you don’t know it
  • Maxmind database location
    Where the databases are stored
  • Maxmind database temp location
    The temporary (working) directory for downloads and the like
  • Update frequency
    How often do you want this to update? It’s recommended to keep this between 3 and 7 days
  • Last Update / Next Update
    These are there to show you the relative information.

It’s worth noting that all sensitive values (ip addresses, hostnames, usernames, and associated keys) are stored, encrypted, in the database. A custom encryption/decryption method was developed in order to store data and prevent individuals from accessing it that shouldn’t.

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