The traffic page is an overview of the traffic into your WHMCS install. All traffic is logged and stored here. There are a few sections to this page

  • Current Traffic
    This is a list of the current traffic to your install.
  • Top Traffic
    A ‘top’ traffic list as it were. The IP addresses generating the most traffic
  • Latest User Traffic
    The latest user/client traffic to your install
  • Latest Admin Traffic
    The latest admin traffic to your install
  • Top Referrers
    How did they get to your install?
  • Latest Requests
    The latest URL Requests

Next to each entry, you will, depending on permissions see the following ‘actions’ that can be taken. Not everyone will see everything, again, this will depend on the permissions your user group has

  • Block this IP
    This will block the IP from viewing anything but the module and contact pages.
  • Block this domain
    This will block the domain from viewing anything but the module and contact pages.
  • Whitelist this IP
    This will allow the IP to bypass any security measures
  • Whitelist this domain
    This will allow the domain to bypass any security measures
  • View IP information
    This will popup a window which will give you more information on the IP such as location
  • Search for IP
    This will redirect to a search for this IP. The search will give basic information, the URLs hit by the IP and client login information

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