Functionality Notification


Each alert method comes with it’s own ‘Functionality’ notification. All alert methods will store this data independently (unlike support notifications which go to individual rooms on chat based services).
For some of these notifications, a client notification is’t appropriate, so this cannot be toggled. For example, in a ‘chat’ based service,a client notification is not likely to be relevant or appropriate. So, it is disabled

Any administrative notifications are going to show up in Orange, all sales notifications will show up in light blue.

The notifications themselves are somewhat self explanatory. Like Others, you don’t need to worry about saving. As soon as you (un)click each notification, it’s saved for you

At the top of each functionality screen are additional links (not shown here). They are mass enable admin , mass disable admin , and where appropriate mass enable client and mass disable client
Clicking on any of these links will do exactly as the link instructs, and alert you of it.  Again, no save is necessary, the page will refresh with the appropriate values selected.

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