Telegram Configuration

Telegram is probably one of the more difficult things to configure and get done just right when it comes to sending things out. Here’s a very quick guide to getting this information

  1. To start with, you want to add this bot to your telegram service. You’ll need it later
  2. Now, add BotFather to your telegram service . You’ll need it later
  3. Now that you’ve added BotFather to your telegram, send him the following message
    Once you send that, follow the instructions , and remember the numbers he gives you (write them down)
  4. In the Telegram tab of your configuration screen (on WHMCS Notify Extended), you’ll want to enter the Telegram OAuth Token that you obtained from step 3 . this will look something like a long string of characters and numbers

Now for the room and user ID’s. This is where it gets a bit tricky with Telegram

  1. You need to setup individual groups (not channels, or chats). These will be your default, sales, emergency, etc channels
  2. Add ID Bot to each group (this will be the user you added in step 1)
  3. Once the ID Bot is in each group, send it a message, exactly as follows from inside of the group
    inside of the room. This will return some information
    Hello user
    Your Chat ID = positiveinteger
    User Name = yourusername

    Your group Chat ID : negativeinteger
    Title : Group Name
    You need to plug the group chat ID into the telegram configuration page for that specific chat room
    Your Chat ID is available and can be added to your configuration list (see admin setup -> telegram ID)

  4. Repeat step 3 for each group, inside of each group

And there you have it, Telegram is configured for your WHMCS Notify Extended setup

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